5 Reasons Why 2019 Is Going to Be Your Year

2019 Is Going to Be Your Year

Not sure if 2019 is going to be your year?  I am here to tell you that 2019 is going to be your year and there are 5 reasons why:

5 Reasons Why 2019 Is Going to Be Your Year

You’ve got Technology on Your side

  1. With the invention of Social Media and the power of Social Media, you have free tools available to you to grow your business.  Back 30 years ago, business owners and entrepreneurs and fashion bloggers did not have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat and dozens of other popular social media apps at their disposal.  Furthermore, Live-Streaming on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube can bring you, clients, faster than cold-calling 100 people.  All you have to do is master the art of using Social Media to your advantage.  If you need help building a marketing strategy for your business around social media, email me to set-up a 15-minute strategy call: dimple@digitalmediadiva.com – I coach entrepreneurs, coaches, business owners, content creators, marketers and bloggers on how to use social media to grow their business.

Not only do you have tons of social media tools and apps; there are also so many other      productivity apps and tools that can help you streamline your business.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

2. It is a New Year, after all; which means that you can leave all your baggage back in 2018 and start fresh.  Whatever or whoever was holding you back from accomplishing your goals in 2018 needs to stay in 2018.

Sometimes You just have to Take the Trash Out Sooner Than you Think

Just as you take the trash out so you can keep your space clean and tidy; you need to “take the trash out” when it comes to toxic people, friends, acquaintances, and virtually anything else that brings negative energy with it.  If you are a person that feels guilty severing ties with people or things; just remind yourself that people change, grow apart, and priorities change.

If you don’t take your priorities seriously, don’t expect others to take you seriously

Whether you need to to do a scrub of your Facebook friend list, your phone book list or your “fake friends”, take a few minutes to clean house.  When your house is clean (your mental space being free of negativity), it will allow you to think clearly and have more creativity in your work or business.

3.  Empower others and others will empower you: the law of the universe works wonderfully; what you put out there will come back to you.  Help others who need help (even when they don’t ask for it) and it will come back to you.  Having a strong support system is essential to success; especially when it comes to entrepreneurship.  Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive of your dreams and are there for you when you need them.   If you don’t have a strong support system in place, resources such as the Small Business Administration may be able to provide you with a list of mentors.

4.  You are going to commit to having a positive outlook on life:  not just a positive outlook but you will have to truly commit to working on your mindset.  Without the right mindset, you will not be able to get past challenges and progress.

“Life is full of Challenges and sometimes these challenges are tests in disguise to build our mental grit”

In fact, sometimes when you are the closest to reaching your goals; you will face the toughest challenges, you will want to give you, you will want to question everything…do not do that.  Instead, what you need to do during this time period is to keep your faith and accept these challenges with open arms.

Challenges are meant to make you stronger…the more challenges you have, the closer you are to success

5. Balance is key:  too much of any one thing is never a good thing.  If you are a work-a-holic, you must make time for “you” time.  You must also do something other than work or you will get burned out.  One way to do this is to work for a few hours and then take a walk outdoors or go to the gym.  Another way to do this is to make time for extra-curricular activities that you are passionate about.  And, sometimes, it is as simple as going to the spa or treating yourself to ice cream.

A balanced lifestyle is the healthiest lifestyle


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