How to Survive Spending COVID Christmas Alone


If you are planning on spending Christmas alone this year – you are not alone! For so many Americans, this may be their first Christmas spending it alone. Learn how to survive spending COVID Christmas alone and even make it fun.

“Do the Things That Make You Happy…Sometimes it’s the Smallest Things That Make a Big Difference”

– Dimple

Some of my favorite Christmas things to treat yourself to:

  • A cupcake from Sprinkles
  • Making an electronic video Christmas card on Canva
  • Doing a Christmas photoshoot with fun props (see example photo below with me and my baby BMW bears)
  • Takeout from your favorite restaurant (see my recommendations below)
Here’s the Backstory on Boo Boo (on he left) and Lola (right)…I first got Boo Boo about 6 years ago when I bought a BMW in Los Angeles, and then a little over a year ago, I got a new BMW and one of my conditions to getting the car is that I wanted another Bear….so low and behold, my rep went out of his way to get Lola and she arrived in my brand new car sitting in the front seat with a seatbelt on….the rest was history….they are the next best thing to a puppy….lol. I lost my mom this year and they are the one thing that makes me smile, so I don’t care what people think, I decided to do a fun photoshoot with them and make a holiday card because….

It is Always the Little Things That Genuinely Make You Happy 🙂

– Dimple

I see you girls out here trying to watch your calories and diet, well, I am here to tell you that Christmas is not the day to watch your calories. Because Christmas is a holiday, you must treat it as a holiday!

Christmas is Not the Day to Watch Your Calories….Remember When You Were a Kid and You Didn’t Count Your Calories? Do That on Christmas 🙂

– Dimple

So think of some of the things you would do if you were on a vacation with the girls or even a solo trip. Would you go out to dinner and order a 3 course meal with wine pairings? Would you order dessert even if you normally don’t eat dessert? Then, go do that!

“The part about making Christmas fun is to enjoy Christmas without rules or restrictions…if you’re spending Christmas alone, no one is telling you what to do, so WHY impose restrictions on yourself?”

One of the best things about holidays (besides time with family and loved ones) is enjoying the food. So, just because you can’t be home with your parents this year for a home-cooked meal (because you are choosing to practice social distancing and keep them safe); doesn’t mean that you can’t have a delicious meal at home.

A lot of restaurants are doing special 3 course (or more) Christmas meals that you can order in advance and pick up for your Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner.

If you live in the Chicago area, one of my personal favorite recommendations are: Rooh, which is a contemporary Indian restaurant located in the South Loop neighborhood. If you decide to check out this restaurant after Christmas, they currently have a heated tent so you can do patio dining per COVID regulations in Chicago.

My other recommendation also happens to be in the West Loop neighborhood of Chicago; it is called Duck Duck Goat and is a creative Chinese restaurant from celeb chef Stephanie Izard. If you like a little spice in your life, you will love their XI’AN Goat Slap Noodles. They also some 3 course specials on the menu as well as a special menu to ring in the New Year with good luck (lord knows we can all use that after a year like this).

“Dance Like No One is Watching”

After your big, delicious meal on Christmas Eve, turn on some Christmas music on Christmas Day and dance like no one is looking. You will feel less guilty about that “double fudge chocolate cake with 2 scoops of ice cream” by working off those calories by dancing in your pajamas the next day.

When you are done dancing and opening presents; get ready to do some virtual Christmas friends and family gatherings via Zoom, FaceTime or even Facebook now has their own platform for virtual meetings with friends, family, or even colleagues/co-workers.

“The trick to making your virtual get together fun is to plan out a fun agenda that everyone can participate in”

You are probably wondering how you can plan a fun agenda for a virtual Christmas get together; well, do I have some fun ideas for you!

Christmas is all about making sweet memories and reminiscing the good times. For example: if you have another friend that is also spending Christmas alone, plan to virtually bake a cake together (or Christmas cookies). Not only will this motivate you to do it – but it’s the next best thing to being there with your friend. Get your tripod if you have one and prop your phone on it and place it on the kitchen island – this way you can share this experience together. While the cake is in the oven, use this time to toast with a glass of wine or champagne and catch up.

Some Fun Games You Can Play Virtually with Family and Loved Ones on Christmas

  1. Remember the time when – talk about a funny story from the past that brings up fun memories and share some laughs
  2. Do virtual Karaoke
  3. Have a dance contest
  4. Make a special video of beautiful memories to share on your virtual Christmas get together
  5. 20 Questions
  6. Bingo
  7. Most Likely to…
  8. Trivia Games (use this site to generate Trivia questions for your Zoom Christmas gathering)
  9. Pictionary (use this site to generate Pictionary questions for your Christmas Eve family virtual gathering).
  10. Charades (use this Charades generator tool for ideas);

“I Have a Special Gift for You This Christmas…I Want You to Know That You Are Loved…That You Are Fabulous…and That You Will Get Through This Year No Matter What Challenges You Are Facing…So I Wanted to Gift My Christmas Card to You…With Hugs and Love”

— Dimple

Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a Very Merry Christmas! Stay safe, healthy and look forward to a New Year!

If you enjoyed this blog, I would be so grateful if you can share it on social media or with a friend who could benefit from it – thank you 🙂


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